Setting the details
You can create the liquidity pool on Signum with one transaction, which costs 3.50 Signa. In addition, you need to make a second transaction, which will pay 152 Signa to the pool, to be able to create the new stake token. Signumswap provides a setup wizard for the easy creation of the liquidity pool. The setup wizard provides three steps to finish a liquidity pool setup.

For the basic data, you need to set the following attributes:
- Primary Asset Pair Here, you can choose Signa or a smart token by clicking one of the buttons. (Signa as default). If you select a token instead of Signa, you need to enter the smart token ID. The token ID can be found, for example, on the explorer or within your smart token balances under "More" > "Copy token ID."
- Secondary Asset Pair Here, you need to set the smart token ID for the second part of the pooled pair.
- Liquidity Token Symbol Define a liquidity token symbol. It will always start with "lp" and your chosen letters.

In the Fee section, you set the fee a user needs to pay for a swap, which will be kept on the pool as a reward for the liquidity providers.
You can set a fee of up to 25% as the maximum.
In this section, you can decide if the selected fees above are static (forever) or if they should be dynamic. If you choose dynamic, you must also set the account, which can only change the fees on the fly.
The selected account - and only this account - can access the swap fee change dialogue on the liquidity pool detail page. ( under "More Options")

Finally, you need to create and launch your Liquditiy pool. On the right side of the page, you will see a summary of your liquidity pool with your specified parameters. You can always navigate back to adjust anything you like.
- Creation of Liquidity Pool Contract Here, you will sign a transaction to deploy the smart contract for 3.5 Signa.
- Creation of the Token (LP Token) You will sign a transaction to send 152 Signa to the newly created smart contract. The contract will make the stake token with that.