Starting a Signum-Node



The Signum node HTTP API is the primary interface for blockchain interaction. The API provides public endpoints, which can be used according to the provider's policies. A node provider can also restrict access.

A request is possible using GET to query the blockchain or POST to execute transactions. The API endpoint is available via <hosturl>/api?requestType=<method>&<args>


API Documentation

The entire API is documented with Open API Spec, and its interactive user interface is available under <hosturl>/api-doc


The pool of Public Nodes (mainnet)

The Signum-Network team provides node pools with public API endpoints accessible to anyone:

Mainnet (URL by country-location of the node):

The current status of the nodes can be checked under "Featured Nodes" on the explorer.

You can use public nodes to read blockchain data. For heavy use of the API, start your node. Note that the number of simultaneous connections and request rate per IP address is limited for public nodes, and responses are cached for a few seconds so they may be outdated.

API of Your Node

By default, the API is enabled in the node settings, and its interactive documentation is available locally at http://localhost:8125/api-doc.

The pool of Public Nodes (testnet)

Th Signum-Network team provides node pools with public API endpoints accessible to anyone for the testnet:

By default, the API is enabled in the node settings and available locally for testnet at http://localhost:6876/api-doc.